
• Yesterday it snowed for the first time of the winter. A sign of what's to come and what I'm going to have to adjust to.

• North Dakota is going to be quite the experience. It's going to be cccooolllddd, but the financial gain must be in the forefront of my mind if I am going to stand any chance of powering through it (the cold). Better yet, they say this winter is going to be the coldest in years... yay.

• Yep, I'm doing the ND oilfield gig you hear so much about. Going on 4 months now.

• Man camps are not a bad place to be, surprisingly homey once you get used to sleeping on a regular sized bed.

• Some of the annoyances consist of the sinks being the ones where you have to push down the buttton to get a few seconds of water. That makes shaving a pain. Also, the hot water button in each of the three rooms (I have been in) have been opposite of their temperature color indicators.

• CDL school makes you understand why truckers drive how they do and increases your patience with them.

• I'm now armed with Baffin boots that are rated to withstand -148 F. Lets hope I'm never able to confirm that.