Thursday Thrash-Out

  • The Twin Falls Zion bank robber remains at large.
    • Are quality security cameras not considered a smart investment?
    • I've seen higher quality images from a convenient store.
    • Here's yesterday's "quick catch the bad guy post" with grainy pictures.
    • Maybe they didn't want to release the higher quality pictures for whatever reason.
  • Finally, some progress towards some form of closure for the victim's families of the Fort Hood shootings in Killeen, Tx.  Jury selection began Tuesday and proceedings will start no earlier than August 6th. (no earlier? Translation - more delays ahead)
    • Last I heard, they couldn't proceed with the trial due to him refusing to shave his beard to meet military standards. They couldn't force him to shave it since he claimed it was for religious beliefs.
  • What? Fish oil is now bad for me?  What about all of those weekend AM radio shows I heard telling me how good it was?  A study that started in 2011 has now been replicated in Seattle with the same results: 43% increase in risk of prostate cancer and 71% increase in a "most likely to be fatal" type of prostate cancer.  - Seattle Times  What will they say will kill me next..
  • Unless you want your house to always be in renovation mode and not living mode, block HGTV.  They show the designing phase, then fast forward to the end result, leaving out a crucial part of any renovation, the work.  This gives people a misconception that either renovations are always simple and easy, or they already have it figured out who's doing the fast forwarded part of the show.
  • Yes, we're removing an interior wall (for an "open concept") and we have a 6 month old who likes his naps.
  • Someone broke the first and second rules of Fight Club, "You do not talk about Fight Club".
    • From Times-News: That someone would be William Greener of Shoshone, ID.  In a Greener vs. Blue Hadden, Greener was victorious by KO.  Hadden came to, left, then was discovered laid out on the ground bleeding.  
    • It was Hadden who wanted to fight someone, he got what he asked for.  Then again he's only 19 and wasn't raised with the best role models (look up his mom, Traci Hadden), maybe he anticipated a different outcome, maybe not.
  • Boston bomber pleaded not guilty to all charges yesterday. -AP
    • He had a shootout with the cops, seems pretty cut and dry.  Unless he didn't?
    • He was carrying a backpack in the surveillance footage, that's not illegal.
    • He was laying in a boat when they found him, bam - trespassing. Liar.
    • Lied to the judge - perjury - that comes with a fine at least, was he under oath then?
    • Why would he still be all bruised up from the police pursuit?  
      • Jack Bauer.
  • Another reason to have a dog - to wake me up if my house catches on fire.  To quote Ron White, the dog was saying, "I don't have any ******* thumbs!".  I'd like to think I would wake up before the fire got to me.  Local News8 story here.
  • The one year mark till the May 2014 primaries has passed and now Congressman Mike Simpson and Bryan Smith must each reveal their money card. (story from Post Register (Subscribers only) by Christina Lords)
    • *Best announcers voice*
    • Round 1: Simpson lays down a $50K, Smith matches.     50/50
    • Round 2: Simpson scans through his hand, TWO $50Ks!  Smith's eyes briefly open wide and lips separate.  Smith slides TWO cards out, one $50K down!  Smith spins the second card between his fingers methodically.  He tosses the card across the table, Simpon tries to stop it but NOohh.. off the table it goes.  Simpson retrieves from the floor and Smith heads out the back. Smith's final card is a 188KQ! Ouch. He knew Qs were against regulation - but he had no other option.
    • In the game of Ks, Qs are not permissible.
    • Too Far Man..

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