Test: Post about a post


Since this is my first post on Too far man.. too far. I feel there needs to be at least some sort of an introduction to provide some insight into who it is that is saying all of this. I was raised in a small town in Texas, went to college, joined the Navy as a CTT (Cryptologic Technician (Technician), moved to Idaho, lucky enough to meet the woman of my dreams, married in Vegas, no there were not any Elvis impersonators involved.
     I'm sarcastic a smidgen and seldom will I hold back what my thoughts are. I was raised by the most wonderful Republican/Independent (come on Ross Perot had vision) voters in the world. Even though I grew up in a R household, you may be the judge as to where I lie if you feel so inclined to put me in a box. I enjoy keeping up with politics and news but do not always enjoy how they are presented or how they are forgotten. My goal here is to present each news story and spark a discussion that leads to learning and ideally some form of resolve although not always a feasible task for all involved. Over time we have the potential to grow and become influential within, at the minimum, in our county.

This blog will be about local news and issues within the Idaho Falls and surrounding areas and news within the US with some world news as well.  Since I am still learning about the Blogger features, setting up and how to do everything, this is a test/learning post to see how everything should be laid out.  Any and all input is encouraged. Enjoy.

Here's the first and entirely too close to even be considered news to anyone but myself (end of my driveway) news post.. about a post.. that had a box attached to it.

Ohhh the devastation!

This is the result of buying a classy (Home Depot) mailbox in the Summer, completely forgetting about the huge amounts of snow (occasionally, not much the past 2 years), and lacking the foresight to think 'how would this mail box stand up against a snow plow?'.

  • I'm sure that's a common Texan transplant mistake, right? There's hardly any snow there and I've never seen a snowplow there.
I read Road & Bridge's policy on 'mailbox death by snowplow' after my brother in-law (Basement Squatter - BS) happily informed me of its demise and found something along the lines of - Any damage to your mailbox is not our responsibility.

  • So much for calling to complain or get reimbursed, I suppose I could have complained but what good would that have done, none. It may have even backfired on me if my mailbox didn't meet their specifications.

Thinking of it as the crime scene that it was (as any normal person or CSI fan would), I documented it thoroughly.

  • Do not contaminate the crime scene until forensics comes through and photographs everything. (Forensics team: me, myself, I and Daniel)
Who: Bonneville County Employee/Contractor - Plowman
What: Snowplow + snow + moving
Victim: Impulse buy, Cheap and Ez receptacle that meets USPS standards.
Result: The snowplow sheared that expensive plastic right off, mailbox didn't stand a chance. BS wanting to prove his worth jumps to the rescue and throws on two 2x4s, and throws out any chance of class. (picture of mailbox now next post)
Lesson: Always be aware of any threat your belongings may be subjected to and take the necessary precautions to deal with that threat in a timely manner before this happens to you.