Monday Mash

Reasons for Jeff Thompson being behind a trailer full of cheerleaders:
    1. It just happened that way?
    2. His wife works for that school?
    3. Color coordination: Red and black?
    4. He sponsored Hillcrest High School's float?
    5. Jeff Thompson (from Texas) has an MBA. He's just that smart.
  • Immigration: If you haven't read Senator Crapo's personal news release on immigration, do yourself a favor and read it here.
  • Cafe Sabor ('Sah-borr') is set to officially open (ribbon cutting ceremony) the Friday after next (July 12th). Currently they have locations in Logan and Garden City, UT. Their new location is where Sol Rio used to be.
  • Growing up closer to Mexico (North Texas (not as close as Jeff was)), I was spoiled when it came to Mexican food. After eating at Sabor's Logan location, I'm confident this place will be/have the next "Best Mexican food in Idaho Falls" title. I tried eating there yesterday but no dice, closed Sundays.
  • If you drink the last cup of coffee, make more.
  • Everyone's seen the new SpeedConnect ISP billboards around town. I don't know if their internet connection is any good but I can tell you they have a strong connection with their lawyers.
  • I'm no lawyer but from Judge Winmill's memo, here's what I got out of it:
    1.  IFWP (IF Wireless Partnership) leased wireless space to DigitalBridge.
    2. SpeedConnect purchased wireless space from DigitalBridge.
    3. IFWP says hey you can't do that without taking the other portion of the space, per our agreement with DigitalBridge.
    4. SpeedConnect says hey, talk to DigitalBridge, they sold it to us.
    5. IFWP sends letter to SpeedConnect mentioning further action.
    6. SpeedConnect (being speedy) jumps ahead and involves the Idaho courts wanting a declaratory ruling (?) that SpeedConnect didn't do anything wrong.
    7. IFWP adds their complaints to SpeedConnect's filing and consequently removes all chances for a dismissal.
    8. If IFWP would have filed separately dismissal would have been possible.
      • SpeedConnect vs. IFWP - IFWP's motion to dismiss: Denied
  • If you missed the fireworks like me, here's the grand finale. Thanks to John Parsons for uploading it to YouTube.

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